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  • How can I see what the lock code of the Windows operating system is?
    Launch the LaunchBox Statistics for Data Analysis from the Desktop: In the menu on the left, click on ADDITIONAL TOOLS, On the right-hand side under LICENCE ACTIVATION STATUS click on LICENCE AUTHORISATION WIZARD, A panel will open in which to click on the NEXT button where the LOCK CODE of the PC will appear.
  • How can I see what the lock code is for the Macintosh operating system?
    The lock code is a unique code that identifies the PC and is needed to activate SPSS.Go to Finder -> Apps -> IBM SPSS Statistics folder -> "license authorisation wizard".
  • Where should I enter the code you sent me?
    The authorisation code must be entered when activating SPSS. Once the installation is complete, the license wizard should open automatically. If nothing opens, you can go to Start -> All Programs -> IBM SPSS Statistics -> License Wizard. (on a Mac go to Finder -> Apps -> IBM SPSS Statistics folder -> "license wizard".) During the activation phase it is necessary to: Choose the type of license: if the license purchased is of the Authorised type, choose 'License for authorised user' and click on Next. Enter the authorisation code received and click on Next On the next screen, a green message will appear if activation was successful, red otherwise. In case of errors, please write to with a screenshot of the error message. As a further check, the list of activated modules appears on the last screen (if activation was successful).
  • I have entered the new code but I still get a missing license error, what can I do?
    Send an email to entering: Operating system Authorization code Screenshot of the error that appears when activating and/or opening SPSS.
  • I have to change PC, how can I activate SPSS on the new PC?
    To move SPSS to a new pc it is necessary to: write to entering authorization code lock code of the pc and ask for license restoration. Install SPSS on the new pc Proceed with activation by following the license wizard, after support has confirmed that the license has been restored. Uninstall SPSS from the old PC in case it is not formatted.
  • What's the LaunchBox?
    It is a useful application for installing and starting Statistics for Data Analysis. It also facilitates the dissemination of information on the services included in the solution and on training courses, as well as making available the relevant user manuals.
  • Where can I find all additional functions (Add-Ons)?
    Launching the LaunchBox on the desktop will open the dashboard: Click on Add-Ons, and on the right-hand side you will see those already installed and those not. To install the new add-ons, simply click on the desired icon and press the INSTALL
  • How to install premium modules PScore and Youden?
    For the installation of Premium Add-Ons: You need to open the LaunchBox (icon for Data Analysis on your desktop) Click install (red button on your right). In the dialog box you need to enter the information sent into the table After you have installed the Premium Add-On, you can find them in Analyze/ Analyze Add-On menu.
  • How do I change the language of SPSS?
    To change the language in SPSS, go to Edit->Options->Language.
  • I have formatted the PC, reinstalled SPSS but it can no longer find the license.
    Write to entering Authorization code Lock code of the pc requesting a license reset and stating the reason.
  • I changed the hard disk (or replaced other hardware parts) and now it no longer recognises the license
    Write to entering Authorization code Lock code of the pc requesting a license reset and stating the reason.
  • I bought a new module, how can I activate it?
    To activate a new module: go to Start Menu > All Programs-> IBM SPSS Statistics -> License Wizard (on Mac Finder -> Apps -> IBM SPSS Statistics folder -> "license wizard") Follow the wizard by choosing "Activate license for authorised user". Instead of entering the authorisation code in the box, click on "Enter other codes". On the screen that opens, copy and paste the authorisation code of the add-ons and click on "Add". Repeat the steps until you have entered all the codes for the add-on modules received. Click on Next. A green message appears if activation has been successful, red otherwise. In the event of an error, please write to with a screenshot of the error.
  • How can I change the style of the tables?
    To change the style of the tables, go to Edit->Options->Pivot Tables.
  • How can I find out which version of fixpack is installed?
    You can see the extended version of SPSS installed by going to the Help-> About menu. In the window that opens, at the bottom left, you will find the version information (e.g. is version 26 with FixPack 1 installed).
  • Where can I find SPSS manuals?
    Launch the LaunchBox Statistics for Data Analysis from the Desktop: In the menu on the left click on USER MANUALS, and on the right the user manuals will appear.

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Write to one of the following references to request technical support:

Statistics for Data Analysis è una soluzione di SPS S.r.l.

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Via Antonio Zanolini 36 AB,40126 Bologna
P.IVA e C.F. 04222630370


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